phone number: 780-826-2466

Acceptable Waste by Wildrose Disposal in Bonnyville
At Wildrose Disposal, we are committed to preserving our environment and believe proper waste disposal is crucial to achieving this goal. Before we haul away your bin, we must ensure that the contents are safe for disposal. Reviewing the acceptable waste lists on this page, you can help keep the waste removal process in Bonnyville, Cold Lake & Lakeland Areas as safe, efficient, and eco-friendly as possible. Contact Wildrose Disposal today to schedule your bin removal.
Items That Cannot Go Into a Front-End Dumpster
Certain items are not permitted to be placed in our bin rentals for safety and environmental reasons. These items include:
Car/ATV/motorcycle/snowmobile bodies
Asphalt/Bi products
Contaminated soil
Fuel/propane tanks
Liquid domestic waste
Railway ties
Sandblasting sand
Barbed wire/page wire/metal/tin
Liquid Paint
Items That Cannot Go Into a Construction Demolition Roll-off Bin
Proper disposal of hazardous waste is essential to protect the environment and ensure worker safety.
Dead animals
Car batteries
Liquid paint
Fuel/propane tanks
Oil & oil filters
Computers, fax machines, monitors, office electronics
Recycled at Cold Lake or Bonnyville Landfill that Wildrose cannot take:
Proper electronic waste disposal is crucial to prevent environmental harm from toxic materials found in these items.
Fax machines

Contact Us Today
At Wildrose Disposal, we are committed to being responsible waste disposal partners for our customers in Bonnyville, Cold Lake & Lakeland Areas. By adhering to our acceptable waste guidelines, you can help us preserve the environment and keep our community safe. Contact us today to book your bin rental, and let us help you dispose of your waste safely and responsibly.